Diesel Engine Simulator
During last year of Diploma in automobile engineering we made this working model of Diesel Engine Simulator as a project.
Save Diesel in Buses and Trucks
Every drop is precious. Diesel is criticality important petroleum product. But our reserves of crude oil are limited. What should we do? How do we meet the inevitable rise in prices, the possible shortages? You, as a fleet operator, can help save Diesel till an alternative source of energy is found.
We, at the Petroleum Conservation Research Association, have set up model depots in several. Government Transport Undertakings where we have proved that it is possible to save about 20% of the diesel consumption in normal fleets and over 6% in even the best of fleets by concerted efforts. Broad approaches to diesel conservation have been clearly identified and their utility tested and proved in the model depot projects. Put these proven approaches to work in your fleet too, starting today.
Good driving is the key to diesel economy
Tests are carried out with 100 drivers, relating diesel consumption to driving skills, have revealed that, if all the 100 drivers could drive as well as the best 5, fuel savings would be over 10%. A careless driver may cover 1000 kms on 280 liters of diesel; an efficient and alert driver would need only 250 litres. A clear saving of 30 litres in one trip!
It would be a good idea to make an appraisal of the driving skills of your drivers. Calculate the average diesel consumed on the same routes by various drivers. Talk to the careless drivers to improve their driving habits. Give incentives or awards to good drivers. The results will be amazing !
Need of Pan India Campaign on Conservation of Fossil Fuel & it's effect on Climate Change
India spends maximum of it's foreign earnings on importing crude oil for meeting it's growing energy demand. On the other hand, Global warming is the looming concern today. CO2 is the largest contributor to the phenomenon of global warming and Petroleum products are the largest source of CO2 emission into the environment. CO2 cannot be stopped being emitted from burning of petroleum products, but it certainly can be reduced to a great extent by way of efficient utilization of these products and that is where the role of PCRA criticality comes into fore.
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